Brooklyn Type Map
I recently made my version of a Brooklyn type map to add to the rest of the print collection. It has been on my list for a while in what my Chinese calender refers to as the year of the type maps. After I made the first 6 or 7 , I figured it was time to tackle the place where I have been living for almost ten years and after finishing I think it's time to give a recap of where I am at with the project as a whole.
I got inspired to a Long Island map after seeing a few others and knowing I could do a better job. The main difference being mine are done in my own hand style and use no fonts at all. Every letter to all of the hoods, countie, states or prefectures was created freehand which takes hours of time drawing on and off the computer. Props due to some to other ones that are out their, especially this one from a girl out in the UK named Ursula Hitz who has done some nice maps including one of London city as well as a cropped section of the 5 boro's very nicely. Here is a shirt by the team over at BK Industries that uses some typefaces, not really feeling that one though. And while I dont care much for the design and use of a single font, I got to give this girl props for building a solid line of maps. Finally the team over at Axis Maps that use type and traditional cartography to make some truly beautiful and accurate maps. I just bought their map of Chicago as a memento to where i recently proposed to my fiance.
So their you have it, a little bit of a reference for different type maps. I hope you'll find mine to be different from the others, at a great price and worth your hard earn $$. I sure enjoy making them and have several more on the radar and in the works to complete my collection.

The team over at Axis Maps that does a really great job on their maps. I think they have some sort of software that generates these since they offer many different types of mapping services.
Dope London city type map with hand letteing and kerning. Really well done.
Some color options. Still not sure which one I am going with.
The gluttony of hoods downtown and beyond.